Order Form

Please Complete the form below if you are interested in MNJ Software's software development services and We Will Contact You.

Fields marked with (*) are mandatory

Contact Information

Messenger ID: (Yahoo, MSN, AOL,GTalk)
*Your Website URL:

Website Details

*1. Tag Line or slogan (if any and that needs to be displayed)
2. Briefly describe your company.
* What type of services and/or products do you provide?
Who are your targetted audience??
*3. What type of overall feel would you prefer your website to have? (i.e. corporate, contemporary, conservative, warm, serious, classy, polished, flashy, high-tech, artsy, fun, abstract, etc.)
4. Important Requirement: Please list at least 3 high quality model websites that you like the look of.
These do not have to be sites whose business is similar to yours as this only helps us in determining your design taste. Consider layout, colors, navigation, graphics, font/print, etc.
*5. Please provide 2-3 competitor websites (if any)
*6.Important Requirement: List the navigation links for your Site or email a word document with the links listed out.
*7. Colors Preferred or company branding color scheme
[Otherwise logo colors and their shades are used]
*8. Colors Disliked or that must not be used
*9. Photos/Images: Will you be sending us images to use on your site or would you like us to use our own images? Give the type of pictures you would like us to select and use.
Email us pictures ( info@mnjsoftware.com ) to be place on your website header. You can email us pictures after you process your payment.
*10. Please add any additional comments, preferences or specific ideas to keep in mind while designing:
*11. Anything you want to mention to be included or avoided.

Banner Details

*1 - Text to be place on Your banner: First Line (frame / screen), Second Line (frame / screen), Third Line (frame / screen) of text to be place on your banner. You can place extra lines if you wish to.....
*2 - Pictures to be place on your banner: Emal us pictures ( info@mnjsoftware.com ) to be place on your banner. You can email us pictures after you process your payment. 3 - Your comments & Notes: Comments are not necessary. However, menton them if you have specific requrements.
1 - Banner size: (If you want banner size not displayed at info@mnjsoftware.com)
2 - URL of your favoirite banner: Banner you like and you want your banner should similar to.
3 - Color style: for example you want to use only specific colors or not use some colors.

Logo Details

*1 - Company Name :
Name that you would like to appear on logo.
*2 - Slogan/Tag Line :
*3 - Suggestions :
Suggest some sample logos from our portfolio that you like or give us url of your favourite logo.
*4 - Your comments & Notes :
Information you would like us to add for your logo like your ideas, logo Colors, font, style...
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor & to prevent automated spam submissions.
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.